Our Policies
The following policies seek to set guidelines for events hosted and organized by the AMP Organization. We are aware that as the organization and events grow, so too are the needs of the events. The AMP organization seeks to set fair and reasonable guidelines for these events, but also retain the right to revoke, modify and amend the policies as needed at any given point. In general, the same policies apply for all events and conventions hosted by AMP.
Cosplay Policies
We celebrate the creativity of cosplayers and encourage everyone to cosplay whomever they wish regardless of size, gender, age, religion, shape, color, or even species. Cosplay is all about having fun!
Shoes are required
No offensive clothing
Costume and clothing should no expose the body in such a way as to be deemed indecent exposure. Private parts must be covered in an opaque material that will not slip or have gaps.
Males wearing tight-fitting costumes are required to wear a dance belt.
Costumes should not obstruct or impede the flow of traffic or entryway.
No skates, skateboards, in line skates, no scooter, no bikes. As display only, no riding them.
Vintage, historical, any non current uniform and any military or police-style costumes may be address at the convention’s discretion.
You further understand and agree that, for your own safety and the safety of everyone at an Event, AMP has the absolute and immediate discretion and right to inspect your costumes, prop weapons, and any other items you bring to the Event. Because your safety and the safety of every attendee is of the utmost importance.
AMP reserve the right to modify and/or update this policy at any time in their sole discretion and without prior notice.
AI Generative Art (AI Art) Policy
The following is the official policy on AI Generative Art (aka AI Art) for The AMP Organization. This Policy covers all events held under the AMP umbrella.
AI generated artwork (AI Art) is prohibited from being sold and displayed by guests, vendors, artists and exhibitors at any event hosted and organized by The AMP Organization (AMP). AI art is defined as 'any art that is artificially generated by a machine'. Any seller/artist caught selling or displaying AI art WILL be asked to remove the image(s) and may be asked to leave the event without a refund.
The AMP Organization DOES NOT support the use of AI Art on the premises or displayed within the confines of the venue(s) that our events are hosted in. We believe in compensating our artists for their work and their contributions to the anime community. We also believe that supporting AI art runs contrary to our mission of supporting the artists within the community.
Prohibited Items
No Real Weapons Are Allowed at an Event.
This includes firearms, knives, curios, relic antique firearms, any form of ammunition, any items designed or manufactured with the intent to cause death or serious bodily injury, whether carried openly or concealed, even if any such weapons are inoperable or unusable and irrespective of whether you are licensed to possess such weapons. Items that may otherwise be legal for you to own or carry are not welcome at any Event if they violate this Prop / Replica Weapons Policy.
The following items are not permitted at any AMP Event:
All Metal Weapons
Firearms, Ammunition, Rifles, Shotguns, Handguns, Blowguns, Tasers, Laser Pointers, Laser-Aiming Devices or similar Laser Devices
Explosives, Incendiary Devices, Chemical Weapons, and Pepper Spray / Mace
Knives, Live Blades/Swords (including Katana and other Martial Arts Style Swords), Daggers, Sword Canes, Switchblades, Bali-Song (Butterfly Knife), Axes, Kunai, Ice Skates, and Hatchets
Metal Pole Arms, Wooden/Metal Bats, Paddles, Stilts, Golf Clubs, and Vuvuzelas
Archery and Hunting Bows, Arrows, Nunchucks, Brass Knuckles, and Whips
Any item designed or manufactured with the intent to cause death or serious bodily injury to any person or property, any item that is illegal in the State of California, or any item that appears, in AMP’s sole discretion, to be dangerous or which would pose or place others at risk or harm, immediate or otherwise.
(Note: some venues prohibit other items e.g. glass bottles, food, alcohol, and e-cigarettes. Please check with the venue before bringing such items.)
Peace Bonding
Prop weapons must be submitted to “Weapons Check” for Peace Bonding. AMP has the sole discretion to approve prop weapons. Please visit us at one of our Weapons Check booths during the Event. Locations are to be determined and announced on our website at touhoufest.com. Other Event Weapons Check booth locations shall be designated in the programs and on signs.
We may revoke your Peace Bond at any time in our sole discretion. Behavior which will warrant revocation of your Peace Bond includes:
Brandishing an item in an inappropriate fashion, such as play-fighting or swinging the prop around
Causing complaints from other attendees of the Event
Tampering or altering of the Peace Bond
Prop Weapons
Prop weapons are inoperable weapons that support the overall look of your costume or character. For example, plastic Airsoft guns, Nerf guns, water guns, dart guns, disc guns, pellet guns, and cap guns are prop weapons.
Peace Bonding Rules
If a prop weapon is, or was, at any time capable of firing anything, it must be rendered permanently inoperable in order to qualify for Peace Bonding. You can do this by, for example, permanently plugging the barrel with glue, caulk, or any non-removable substance and hot gluing all moving components of the prop in place. You must be able to prove that the prop weapon is permanently inoperable upon inspection.
In addition, to qualify for Peace Bonding, your prop weapon must meet the following criteria:
All bladed props, prop firearms and prop knives cannot contain metal, have metal components, or have metal-based paints on them.
Note: Lightsabers with metal hilts are allowed.
Prop explosives or ammunition cannot be made out of metal.
All swords and bladed prop weapons must adhere to the following rules:
They cannot be made out of metal
If your non-metal blade has a sharp edge or pointed tip, it must be anchored to a hard sheath for the duration of the Event
If you do not have a hard sheath, your non-metal blade must have a blunt edge and blunt tip
All prop bows must be unstrung or have a low-tensile thread with no draw weight and be incapable of shooting.
All prop arrows must have blunt non-metal tips.
Metal chains are not permitted unless it is for cosplay and affixed to a piece of clothing and/or armor.
If your prop weapon is a toy, look-alike, or imitation firearm, then federal regulations (15 CFR § 272.3) require that it either be translucent enough to, permit unmistakable observation of the device’s complete contents or must have at least one of the following:
An Orange Solid Plug in Barrel: Have a blaze orange (Fed-Std-595B 12199) or orange color brighter than that specified by the federal standard color number solid plug permanently affixed to the muzzle end of the barrel as an integral part of the entire device and recessed no more than 6 millimeters from the muzzle end of the barrel; or
An Orange Barrel Marking: A blaze orange (Fed-Std-595B 12199) or orange color brighter than that specified by the federal standard color number, marking permanently affixed to the exterior surface of the barrel, covering the circumference of the barrel from the muzzle end for a depth of at least 6 millimeters; or
Entire Surface Coloration: Coloration of the entire exterior surface of the device in white, bright red, bright orange, bright yellow, bright green, bright blue, bright pink, or bright purple, either singly or as the predominant color in combination with other colors in any pattern.
Please take care when outside or when transporting any form of firearm prop.
Regardless of how realistic the prop may look, ensure that it is completely hidden while traveling and be aware of your surroundings, attire, and the appearance of your props to bystanders when outside of the Event. Do not assume a costume will reassure people that your prop is not a real weapon.
Peace-Bonded Weapons at the Event
You may display your prop weapons only as costume pieces. Do not swing or brandish your prop weapon in any way that could be considered unsafe or threatening.
You may pose with a prop weapon in a brandishing manner, so long as no reasonable person would interpret it as anything but a pose for dramatic effect. Event staff or management may stop your posed brandishing in their sole discretion.
Please put your prop weapons away when leaving the Event site at night so that you don’t get the attention of local law enforcement. AMP cannot be responsible for any actions taken by local law enforcement agencies, such as detaining and questioning you, if you decide to display or brandish your prop weapons at or outside of the Event.
Everyday Items
Items that people normally carry such as umbrellas or walking sticks/canes are permitted within the Event and subject to inspection upon entry.
Lightweight plastic or foam bats, paddles, and clubs are permitted.
Roller skates/blades, skateboards, scooters, go-karts, hoverboards, etc. are not permitted within the Event area.
RC Cars, Wagons, powered vehicles designed for children are permitted, in the event. The operators of these are responsible for any damage to the area and or other individuals.
Ice Skates are not allowed, even with skate guards attached.
Power tools are not permitted e.g. chainsaws, drills, or hedge trimmers.